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281 Paint Creek Rd., McDade TX 78650

If you’re looking for a chiropractic adjustment in the Bastrop, Texas area, Double Diamond Chiropractic is here for you. We use a comprehensive, holistic approach to treating acute and chronic pain. We’ve developed a unique system that combines spinal adjustments with advanced rehabilitation techniques and strengthening exercises to treat your pain condition, whether it’s back pain, neck pain, sciatica, pinched nerve, bulging/herniated disc, an injury and more!

Our ultimate goal is to help you reach optimal health by minimizing pain and discomfort and improving your body’s overall functioning.

What is Chiropractic Rehabilitation?


Chiropractic and Rehabilitation make a logical association. Chiropractic corrects spinal joints misalignments and rehabilitation restores neuromuscular strength, flexibility balance, and stability. Combining rehabilitation and chiropractic will help you optimize and accelerate your healing while reducing the risk of future injury and joint degeneration.

Are All Doctors Rehabilitation Certified?

In Central Texas, there are only four chiropractors that are Board Certified by The American Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Strengthening Board. Your Bastrop County Board Certified Rehabilitation and Strengthening doctor is Dr. Wendee Whitehead D.C.

Only doctors who have completed an additional 3-year program, including 300 post-doctoral training hours and gone thru rigorous examinations receive this designation. Chiropractors who pursue a Diplomate make a 3-year commitment for 300 hours of advanced study in examination and treatment of patients. They must pass 3 written tests and a comprehensive oral evaluation.

Rehabilitation doctors continue their post graduate training in rehabilitation and strengthening to stay current with the most recent advances in Rehabilitation and Chiropractic.

Our board certified chiropractor will perform screening tests to identify any potential risk to treatment and exercise. If you have a condition chiropractic cannot help, you will be referred to the appropriate specialty.

Rehabilitation doctors are taught to assess and treat many types of conditions including chronic pain syndromes, whiplash and soft-tissue Injuries, scute injuries, and extremities.

For patients injured in auto accidents, the additional training and credentials of a diplomate in rehabilitation lends more credibility to a chiropractor as an expert witness.

How Is A Board-Certified Rehab Doctor Different?


Your rehab doctor has trained under the experts in the field. Both a Rehab Chiropractor and an ordinary chiropractor will adjust you however, the rehab chiropractor is focused on finding the underlying cause of your pain, strengthening, stabilization and prevention of future re-occurrences.

A rehab chiropractor is a much better choice for patients who have not responded to chiropractic manipulation alone.

Many chiropractors use adjustments only and do not give stretching, strengthening or stability exercises.

Your rehabilitation doctor will diagnose and treat any dysfunction so that you can achieve maximum joint function and stability.

Our board-certified rehab doctor will give you the proper exercises designed for you to allow you to have maximum recovery.

Dr. Whitehead is committed to helping you recover to the lifestyle you deserve.

Board certified chiropractic rehab doctors are experts in finding the true functional link to a patient’s problem and when identified and corrected, lead to faster healing and reduced reoccurrences.

Dr. Whitehead is trained in the latest evidence-based research protocols to prescribe corrective exercises with a specific progression to the treat the injured area. The starting point begins with a passive movement, movement in which our doctor passively moves and stretches the muscle or joint that is painful. This prevents further injury or inflammation of the injured area while increasing the range of motion to help improve function.

Gentle range of motion promotes healing, the next progression is passive assisted movements by the patient. This is followed by more advanced active exercises.

This progression leads to improvement in strength, stability and function in the muscle and joint.

Chiropractic manipulations assure a healthy nervous system to get the message to specific muscles to contract in the right sequence.

A rehabilitation program includes:

  • Functional Movement Screens
  • Ranges of motion
  • Flexibility exercises restore normal tissue length and prevent long term overuse injuries.
  • Strength – helps improve mobility and stability
  • Endurance – helps prevent injuries that result from repetitive activities.

Flexibility, strength and endurance are all necessary for a healthy musculoskeletal system to perform normal daily activities such as sitting, standing, bending, walking, running or lifting.

Our board-certified rehabilitation doctor will perform a complete and though evaluation to determine weaknesses in your flexibility, balance, strength and endurance. You will then be given a specific treatment plan to optimize your healing.

Our mission is to help you reach your highest level of unction so that you may maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
Rehabilitation Doctors focus on active care and goal-oriented care.

Dr. Whitehead will use your self-determined goals through an individualized treatment plan.

You will be taught proper movement patterns, postures and proper ergonomics and injury prevention strategies to accelerate your healing process. We will create an individualized treatment plan to help you reach your lifestyle goals.

Treatment often includes:

  • Balance Exercises
  • Stretching and stability exercises
  • Exercises to increase endurance and strength
  • Pain reduction and elimination.

As our patient, you will be given a home exercise program that you are encouraged to continue during and after your treatment plan.

Lastly, rehab chiropractors can save you time and money by eliminating the need for multiple providers for the same service. This is especially important in the environment of ever-increasing deductibles and co-payments.

Each Phase of rehab can be enhanced through proper nutritional recommendations
Phase I Rehab is known as the Acute Inflammatory Phase which occurs 24-72 hours post injury.


During this phase, the patient exhibits symptoms including pain, redness, inflammation and swelling.
During Phase I, the body releases biochemical including bradykinins, histamines and prostaglandins which provide for the initial inflammatory reaction following an injury.

During this phase, your rehab doctor will recommend nutrients that will reduce some of the side effects of inflammation including avoiding sugars, high carbs, glutens and grains.

In addition, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory nutrients that include: Vitamin C, spm active, vitamin D. In combination with proteolytic enzymes including bromelain, pancreatin and papain.

Phase II Rehab is known as the repair or Regenerative Phase of care and occurs 24 hours to 6 weeks post injury.


Nutrients during this phase supports the production and deposition of collagen. Nutritional recommendations during this phase includes:

  • Vitamin C
  • Multivitamin
  • SPM Active
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium

Phase III rehab is known as the remodeling phase and occurs from 3 weeks to 12 months post injury.
Recommendations during this phase include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Glucosamine sulfate
  • Chondroitin Sulfate.
  • SPM Active
Peripheral neuropathies are a disorder involving the nerves in either the upper or lower extremities.


Common upper extremity peripheral neuropathies include, carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel syndrome, Guyons canal syndrome, pisiform-hamate syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome, anterior interosseous syndrome. Pronator syndrome, hand-cuff neuropathy and thoracic outlet syndrome.

Once a proper diagnosis is made your rehab doctor will use specific techniques including mobilization, manipulation, and activator techniques combined with Isometrics and isotonic/isokinetic muscle retraining exercises.